The Constitution of Freedom Haven ----- We the individual People, in order to secure the right to defend ourselves, to limit the size and scope of government, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for Freedom Haven. We recognize: * Freedom is an important ingredient needed for people to achieve their greatest potential * We also recognize that any government, or any system of force/compulsion, will naturally grow in size and scope over time, which thing we oppose. This Constitution is established for the purpose of preserving the highest degree of Freedom possible and is meant to be chains on government while preserving our right to self-defense. Definitions: * Force (or compulsion) is defined as threatening someone else's Life, Freedom, and/or tangible Property. * Freedom is defined as life with the least amount of Force used against the people as possible. Government cannot create Freedom – it can only preserve/protect it, restore it, or destroy it. Freedom is a God-given right and does not come from government. Freedom is the ability to use your Life and Property the way you want to, as long as it doesn't take away from someone else's freedom to do the same with their life and property. This is what you are naturally able to do in the absence on someone threatening to murder you, kidnap you, or steal and/or destroy your property. * Life refers to sentient human life. * Tangible Property. Property is anything that you can touch which can be owned. You cannot own another sentient human being, but you do own your own body. Control over intangible items (which you cannot touch, such as information, perceived value, ideas, processes, etc) are not God-given rights. People may choose to keep their intangible items hidden from others or secure them within their rights of their own tangible property, but it is not a God-given right to control intangible items using force/compulsion, so you are not justified in using Force to control what happens with intangible items once it is outside your property. The only property government recognizes is tangible property. You may not own all of the property surrounding someone else's property without allowing them instant reasonable access to leave/enter their property at will. * Murder is ending sentient human life without consent, unless it is needed for self-defense. * Kidnapping is taking away freedom, which includes (but is not limited to): - restraining (which includes rape), - imprisoning, - blocking access to leave/enter property (that you have authority/permission to enter), - addictions without consent * Theft is taking, destroying, or damaging property without consent. Force is only sometimes justified to defend Life, Freedom, and/or tangible Property. Since governments naturally grow over time, this Constitution seeks to limit that growth so that the least amount of Force needed is used (to defend Life, Liberty, and/or Property) and the greatest amount of Freedom is preserved. The Government of Freedom Haven has no authority nor rights except for that which also exists among all people. The government, or any individual, may not use Force, except when needed to stop murder, kidnapping, and/or theft/destruction. Any individual who uses force is (in that moment) part of government and is subject to the limitations contained in this Constitution. Consent must be recorded in a way that it can prove to the world that it was indeed given. Taxation is theft and is forbidden – the Government may not steal to fund its efforts. No government services are a right - If people don't want to pay for a service and no one volunteers to do it for free, then the service does not have to be offered. Individual people bear the ultimate responsibility to defend their own lives, freedom, and/or property. Individual properties may choose to pay for their own security out of the funds they obtain through voluntary trade. A person's right to self-defense shall not be taken away from anyone except for someone who can be proven to be initiating force against others. Government shall not have privacy. Government must provide public access to all actions it performs. The vote of the majority shall never take away the rights of the individual, listed above.