The laws of the #Province of #New_Liberty (Draft Version 0.10 8/21/2019. More at: ) INCOMPLETE! UNDER DEVELOPEMENT! TRY BACK LATER! ---- PREAMBLE ---- [New Liberty;New Liberty's;The “#Province of New Liberty” (or simply “New Liberty”) is the #land #property and #portable_residence #property belonging to Anthony C. Olsen.] #New_Liberty will comply with the Constitution of the #Provinces of #Freedom_Haven. The following laws are #New_Liberty's implementation of that Constitution. #TEU_LEASES ---- [TEU;TEU Lease;TEU-Lease;TEU Leases;TEUs;Lease;Space in #New_Liberty will be measured in #TEUs (Twenty-foot equivalent units) which is a space roughly 8x20x8.5 feet (or 2.44x6.1x2.59 meters). Each space will be leased with the first leases spanning the entire first 5 operational years of the new structure.] Each person in #New_Liberty has to either have a 5-year #TEU_Lease or be the welcomed guest of someone who has such a lease. A 5-year TEU lease will cost an average of $50,505, depending on how popular or unpopular a specific location is and/or what the max weight limit (perhaps 5,000-10,000 kg) is that you seek. Leases will be used to construct the structure and provide the services agreed to and therefor the leases are non-refundable. Lease payments will be due in full before construction begins and will take effect starting the day the structure is operational. Having a lease does not grant the lease holder a share in the #New_Liberty structure nor in the decision-making process. Using a #TEU as a permanent abandoned hazardous waste dumping ground (esp. post-lease) isn’t allowed. JUDICIAL ---- * Courts: (Discussion at: ) A limited number of highly trusted people are given authorization by #New_Liberty to act as Judges as long as trust (to uphold the #Freedom_Haven Constitution and contracts of #New_Liberty) remains. This authority can be revoked at any time. - 1) A person seeking #Government intervention in a situation will choose a Judge and arrange payment for the judge's services. Everything the Judge does in the course of his duties as a judge is recorded and part of public record. - 2) The person opens a case against someone. The Judge sends a notice to the accused who can choose to show up or not. The person presents evidence to the Judge of wrong-doing (threat against #Life / #Freedom / #Property or violation of contract according to the laws of #New_Liberty) - 3) The accused is notified of the Judge's decision either way. If the Judge believes the evidence proves that such a violation occurred, the judge makes a recommendation of things the accused should do to repair the damage, or (if the situation is serious and worthy of eviction from #New_Liberty) the accused is #forced to come to court or else leave #New_Liberty. (In rare instances where a person can be proven to still be an active threat to #life / #freedom / #property even if evicted, harsher actions could be taken). - 4) If the accused is found guilty and challenges the verdict (or can prove why #self-defense was justified) or if the case is eviction-worthy and the accused is collected, then a full court case hearing occurs with a Jury (that the accused and accusers arrange payment for under the laws of #New_Liberty - see comment for details), and the use of #force or contract violation is proven, and the #defense can provide evidence to disprove the claim and/or show why it was justified. + Any solution that both the accused and the harmed agree on is valid, otherwise the Judge will choose something. Juries do not hand out judgment, only determine innocence/guilt. + Accusations of #Force used or Contract violations are assumed innocent until proven guilty (regardless of the Judge's views from initial assessment) and require 100% agreement from the Jury, but Justification of #Self-Defense only require majority of the Jury to agree. + Since the laws in #New_Liberty will be so few (listed here) all people will know all of the laws and we won't be as dependent on special counsel (aka "lawyers") as we are today, so this would NOT be the expense we're familiar with today. * Jury: - The accuser/defendant/anyone would put up capital for a jury pool. If there's no capital put up then only people willing to be on a jury for free would want to attend. If no Jury is available/willing, then the court would proceed without one unless both accuser and defendant are ok with waiting. - From the pool of potential jurors willing to do the work for their share of the capital collected, 12 jurors will be randomly selected. GATED COMMUNITY ---- (Discussion at: ) People who prefer to live in environments with certain public-area restrictions (that they themselves commit to also live by) can choose to live in gated communities where only people who agree to live by certain restrictions are allowed entrance. These communities will have publicly posted rules and clearly marked boundaries, although they may choose not to have actual gates. These restrictions are for what is observed in public spaced and does NOT affect what happens behind closed door so long as those events don’t leak out into the public space. While all of #New_Liberty will have a loud decibel (sound) limit of much less than 200 dB, individual areas will have different loud decibel limits allowing for the farthest extreme reaches of #New_Liberty to have the greatest range of decibel restrictions. This will mean that loud manufacturing, rock concerts, etc, can exist on one end while having quiet nursing homes and hospital rooms on the other end. Gated communities will be arranged so that sound progresses from quieter to louder. In addition, within these decibel limited areas, additional more specific Gated Communities can be set up with additional public restrictions, such as: * Public nudity/sexuality * Public smoking of addictive or harmful substances This is all according to the personal preferences of the #TEU lease holders, with the exception of a max decibel limit and public cleanliness (limitations on hazardous materials, septic, pollution, etc) which apply to all public spaces of #New_Liberty as a whole (but not to private areas). People who fail to comply by the restrictions of a community might be charged with trespassing. #FREEDOM_HAVEN ENTRY RESTRICTIONS (TERRITORIAL WATERS BORDER) ---- (Discussion at: ) Eventually, #New_Liberty plans on have a floating border running along the #Freedom_Haven Territorial Waters boundary and only people who have taken the #Freedom_Haven "oath of respect and non-hostile intent" in the past year to enter. Only boats where all passengers (older than 16) have met this requirement will be allowed entry. This oath can be taken anytime from any location, but need to be shared with the #Freedom_Haven port authority to be put on the public record. * The #Freedom_Haven "oath of respect and non-hostile intent": “My name is (FULL-NAME) and am of sound mind and judgment, and am here in the country of #Freedom_Haven of my own free will and choice. My previous/current home country is (HOME-COUNTRY). I recognize #Freedom_Haven as an independent country and promise to abide by it's constitution and laws while in its borders, noting its special focus on its protection of #life, #freedom, and #property through its restrictions on the use of #force / #compulsion. I will not seek to #enforce any other country's laws, nor any international counsel's laws, within these borders. I formally request that my home country of (HOME-COUNTRY) respect the independence of #Freedom_Haven, not seek to #enforce any of (HOME-COUNTRY)'s laws within these borders, respect its natural #rights to #self-defense, and seek no #compulsions / control, hostility, nor ill-will towards it nor it's inhabitants or visitors and that (HOME-COUNTRY) foster peaceful relations and voluntary trade among the individuals of #Freedom_Haven." #NEW_LIBERTY ENTRY RESTRICTIONS (IMMIGRATION) ---- (Discussion at: ) TODO * Biometrics * Fees * Oath to uphold the Constitution of #Freedom_Haven TODO * #New_Liberty immigration process steps: Note: There will be cameras everywhere and this whole process will be visible to the entire world (minus the part where you supply your password) - 1) The individual approaches the outer wall (they probably just got off a boat or something) and approaches one of the portals. - 2) They look at the screen and select a language and choose an option. - 3) The screen asks them to provide the invitation or #TEU ownership ID (which they can obtain from the website). Free wi-fi to that website is provided, or you can select an option to have someone assist you. - 4) Once the language, invitation or #TEU-lease handle/ID is confirmed, and options selected, you would provide payment for the service rendered (visa, cash, thumb-print if you're already in the system, etc). This pays for the electricity and maintenance of these portals, plus the service of the security that maintain, plus any extra service you select. I'm guessing less than $1 per visit... and it might even be free if people are willing to donate their time to provide it. - 5) The door opens and ONE person steps inside (unless you're assisting minors) - 6) Once inside, the door closes behind you and a 2nd monitor has the next instructions. At any time you can click "cancel" and the door behind you opens and you may leave... but there aren't any refunds. If you are caught tampering with the system a warning is given and if the warning isn't heeded, the process is cancelled and you'll need to exit. If a person refuses to exit, the box they are foolishly insisting on staying in will have a limitless array of #defense options (pepper spray, water, smoke, etc... or even manual intervention by the guard on duty (who is monitoring this whole thing from his guard post) if needed. - 7) The user either supplies their ID (if they're already in the system) or else they create a new ID by entering their name, birthday (proof might be needed if the data is suspect), their guardians' info (if they are under-age or mentally-ill... or if they just simply want to), a new password, a biometric scan, etc. - 8) They log into the system using their biometrics and password. - 9) If they haven't yet recorded themselves taking the oath (or it's been more than X months since the last time... or if the individual was flagged), then they would need to do so. This involves looking at the camera (their face will appear in the monitor as well) and they would need to clearly say: + "I (full name) promise not to threaten anyone’s #Life, #Freedom, and/or tangible #Property unless it is the required minimum for #self-defense." + "I understand that I will be responsible for all damages to #life, #freedom, and/or #tangible_property I may cause here and failure to fix damages could result in my eviction from #New_Liberty." + "I understand that I am responsible for my return trip regardless of whether I've been evicted or not, and that #New_Liberty will not provide for my return trip." The on-duty guard will visually confirm everything was said correctly on the video. This video will be public record associated with your public account. Guards that speak different languages might be available for those who wish to take this oath in other languages they speak... but if a guard isn't available to verify the oath in the preferred language, then one of the available languages will be required instead. If a child is under 8, he would need to be registered along with his guardian AFTER his guardian is registered. If the person going through is a guardian of 1 or more other people, he/she would need to declare these children during his registration, and would need to add their information. That guardian would also need to say the following oath as well: + "I acknowledge that I'll be responsible for (CHILDREN'S-NAMES) while they are here until they leave #New_Liberty." - 10) If it’s not already in the database, they would need to offer proof that they have secured passage to leave #Freedom_Haven anytime, if needed (this would be utilized if they are forcibly evicted for failing to correct for any damages they cause). "Eviction Insurance" (more on this below) could cover for this. The security guard might need to personally verify this. - 11) Declarations: Most personal weapons are allowed, but explosives would generally not be without special (and unusual) authorized exemptions provided to that individual. Nuclear and biological weapons are not permitted. - 12) They put their luggage on the scanning conveyor belt and they can pass through. - 13) On the far side they get a receipt which includes their personal ID card (QR code) which isn’t actually needed since they can login with their account at various service offered at #New_Liberty. * Eviction Insurance: An individual with a good trust score may choose to offer "eviction insurance" to individuals. This is a promise that that business will provide for transportation of the individual (within a short amount of time - perhaps 24 hours) to a specific external destination, in the event that that individual is evicted from #Freedom_Haven. The eviction insurance would also cover "holding" costs to secure that individual offsite until they are ready to transported off #Freedom_Haven. The person/company providing "eviction insurance" will also be responsible for evicting the person according to the manner they agreed to when they sold the person the "eviction insurance". * Pregnancy: All pregnant woman will have to also sign for the consent of their unborn child/children, until the child/children are old enough to give their own consent according to the #Freedom_Haven constitution. Their proof-of-coverage-of-return-trip would need to also cover their children and everyone else in their legal custody. TO DO ---- * Weapons and Explosives * Weight limits * Eviction and/or Banishment